Nov 20, 2022Liked by Patrick Mazza

I guess this is a general note; but of the subscriptions I have, it is only those you have written that never seem to be deleted from my email and are always backtracked on and reread.

Thank you for giving me pause and making me question my observations. Your writing is interesting and I’m quite excited each time there is a post- these bring some legit conversations amongst my coworkers and myself. You Sir are a well needed respite from the fluff that passes for information.

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Thank you for your very gracious comment.

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This is a very helpful and instructive analysis. I look forward to following your trajectory on this. Thank you!

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Socialist revolution is needed urgently. The capitalist system is so dangerously reckless and cruel, so avaricious and short-sighted, so destructive and wreaking sociocide on the planet, its time is over and it is rotting. Climate change, pandemics, and the end to imperialist wars are problems that must be solved on a global basis. The nation-state system makes unified action on these problems impossible and separate nations all scrambling for either a piece of the power pie or the crumbs on the floor means endless war and destruction. This disease of capitalism is long past its sell-by date.

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The more single issue movements you combine, the less the ability to agree on and develop the objectives and policies of the movement. Democratic decision making, accountability, oversight,

policy positions and especially accommodating dissent are impossible on a large scale. This is why the US Green Party failed, primarily, but it also failed because it never adopted a central philosophy and principles. Instead it had a laundry list that represented the wishes of individual interest groups. The lack of cohesion, democratic decision making and a central unifying set of principles and objectives make such a movement impossible. The failure of coalitions in the past is proof of this. Only a political party can function with unified purpose and democratic decision making, and that central core of beliefs.

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