Look after yourself mate, you’re no good to anyone if you’re not looking after yourself first.

Take a break from the news and social media. I don’t think as human beings we have the capacity to hold as much grief as the world is now asking us too. Turn off the news, get moving, get walking, get your hands in the soil, all those things can help. I’ve tried before to follow everything going on but after the big fires in my home country of Australia a few years ago I came undone. Sometimes we need to switch off and look after ourselves, there’s nothing wrong with that mate. It might sound selfish, but I cannot cope otherwise.

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And I don’t mean to sound as if Im denying the grief. Im not. We must go through that. But we also at some point need to come out the other side and continue

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Like a moth to the flame, me to my screen, sites, social media and podcasts. Know exactly what you mean. I’ve been listening to some Afropop music lately that does help. And, yes, going outside. But I’m afraid I’m a hopeless news junkie. Glutton for punishment.

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by Patrick Mazza

Thank you, Patrick! This was quietly and beautifully uplifting. Very appreciated reminder to be humans in place. It's really the only real way of being.

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"If we are courageous enough to feel our grief for the world, and understand its roots in compassion, we will understand how to do that rebuilding." As so many are in agony from how misguidedly humanity is behaving, there's another angle that doesn't bypass the agony but is from a bigger place where we tune into the privilege of being human and of taking care of the earth as an ennobling energy to get us through these terrible times. Here's the idea: "Job Openings/

Cheerleaders for Humanity": https://suzannetaylor.substack.com/p/job-openings

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I appreciate the succinctness of this. It offers what it can, but not a bit more. That's beautiful.

Grief, I have found, is perhaps the most transformative of experiences. We tentatively enter into it, and it grabs us and pulls us as far in as we are willing to go -- and all the while it unravels the way we've come to understand ourselves and our world. It reveals another world within this world. And that's a difficult path to allow. And that's all we can do with grief, allow it. We can't control it. We are not its master. It is our master. We can only surrender to what it has to offer us, however meager it may be.

I am not a man of great faith. Faith is hard these days. I almost have faith enough in grief to let it be my master. But I resist. You're damn right I resist. Grief undoes a person, followed and allowed. Might it renew a person? I have half a faith in this hypothesis, but only that much. Let's see how it works out in the long run.

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Removed (Banned)Oct 22, 2023
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You have your view. I have mine. Let’s leave it at that.

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