Here's a fun and empowering action you can take: https:??bdsmovement.net.

They will send you post-it notes you can stick to products that were made in Israel in grocery stores.

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Jun 17Liked by Patrick Mazza

Thank you! And even though I'm not alone, in my sorrow, the great sadness of being aware the Democrats are supporting genocide is disheartening to say the least. I have little hope that our country will improve no matter which party comes into power.

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Jun 18Liked by Patrick Mazza

What we Americans can and should do: disrupt the decision-makers! And not just with codepink running into an AIPAC meeting and similar stunts - though props to their courage and creativity! Tax strike, dock strikes, Appeal to Redress by active duty troops, and much more. Check out https://www.veteransforpeace.org/?cID=1351

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Completely agree. A way of shining the light.

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I try to attend weekly peace rallies in our small Canadian town , sign petitions , hold art fundraisers , post and try to inform others - yet continue to feel overwhelmed by the intentional carnage and destruction of a beautiful culture and it’s people . Thank you for your words - it helps a bit - and it’s reassuring that there are so many students and people protesting - and at least some of the world is paying attention .. I also have had an awakening ( and hope many others have had too) of the horrible complicity our leaders have in this genocide .

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Jun 18Liked by Patrick Mazza

My heart needed to hear this today. Thank you for this reminder that not all hope is lost.

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I listened to Elan Pappe today who said, and I must paraphrase, As in South Africa, before the end of apartheid, the violence only grew increasingly over the last years before its defeat. This will happen now, in Israel, over the next few years. But it cannot last, because Israelis themselves cannot tolerate this and see no future for their descendants in 50 more years of war against the Palestinians. So they are leaving, if they are able, and the Zionist project is imploding.....dying from within.

This does not negate what you have said about the importance of pressure from without. The movement in the U.S., and other countries, to free Palestine is of paramount importance as well.

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